Stray Cat Starts Coming To Family's Door In Hopes Of Finding A Home
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Stray Cat Starts Coming To Family's Door In Hopes Of Finding A Home

Jun 01, 2023

Published on 7/27/2023 at 5:49 PM

A few months ago, a family began to notice an unusual visitor at their front door.

A stray cat, later named Mittens, started showing up every single day. He would peer through the glass at the cats inside and warm. Mittens needed help, and he was determined to find it. The family began placing cat food outside along with a cat shelter to make him more comfortable.

A stray cat, later named Mittens, started showing up at the door every single day. He would peer inside at the other cats, who were so well taken care of, and look longingly at their parents. He needed help, and he was determined to find it.

“He was limping, dirty [and] covered in fleas and ticks,” the family wrote on TikTok.

Mittens came by so often that, eventually, the family couldn’t resist anymore. They managed to catch him safely and took him to the vet, and that’s where they learned that poor Mittens had been shot with a BB gun.

Even though all Mittens had ever wanted was to find a home, he was still so scared once he finally had one.

“He wasn’t used to humans or being fed,” the family wrote. “He was scared of being hurt again.”

Mittens hid behind the toilet in the bathroom, watching his new family from a distance. After a few days, he started to relax. He was learning to trust again, and it was starting to sink in that he was finally safe.

Mittens fell in love with his new cat siblings, whom he had always watched from the other side of the door, and began adjusting to his new life. He even let his new family pet him for the first time.

“We learned that he loves chin scratches,” the family wrote.

With the help of his new family, Mittens experienced so many wonderful firsts, like playing with toys. He was getting to experience what it’s like to be a cat, and his family could tell how truly grateful he was.

“He kept looking at me as if he was saying, ‘Thank you,’” his family wrote.

Mittens never gave up on trying to find a loving family, and with a little luck and a lot of persistence, he went from one side of the door to the other.